Piloting Session- 12.2023
XENIOS POLIS organised a face-to-face piloting session in Athens/Greece on the 21st of December 2023, in which 21 participants met the project’ idea and its objectives, exchanged ideas and shared suggestions on the digital health. The piloting addressed to students between 17-19 years old who join courses and trainings both to digital skills and master courses on digital health specialisation. The presentation of the UNHEAL+ project and the courses included, covered approximately 1 and a half hour.
The piloting included the following topics:
1. General brief introduction on the UNIHEAL+ project (objectives, project results, pillar outcomes from the research)
2. Background and experience of the participants on the digital health and expectations from the e-learning platform
3. Presentation of the platform, registrations, evaluation and discussion.
Brief information of the project
Uniheal+, Contextualizing UNIversal HEALth resilience through health professionals’ re-skilling for digital health services provision (KA220-VET-84F234AF) is an Erasmus+ KA 220 project funded by the Spanish Νational Αgency aimed at upskilling health professionals in digital services via a specific online training programme that can be adapted to the needs of the health professionals.
Uniheal+ has been based on 4 results:
● R.1. UNIHEAL+ Framework Training Courses
● R.2 UNIHEAL+ Adaptation and Training Guide for Educators
● R.3 eLearning resources and digital tools
● R.4 UNIHEAL+ Assessment, Validation and Recognition of Competencies Content and Tools.
The target group is both health care professionals (e.g., nurses, doctors, pharmacists, dentists, doctors, etc.) and Trainers.