The five-day training meeting (LTTA) entitled “UNIHEAL+ Partners’ Staff Capacity Building” of the project UNIHEAL+ Contextualizing UNIversal HEALth resilience through health professionals re-skilling for digital health services provision (Project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000033271 ), took place in person from 15 to 19 May 2023, in Seville.
In the framework of the meeting, the representatives of the stakeholders (CSICY-Center for Social Innovation, Fundación Ayesa, GRIPEN Europe, HOMO EMINENS, Innovation Training Center, PROLEPSIS, XENIOS POLIS) presented the content of the project modules and proceeded to their evaluation. At the same time, they piloted the project’s web platform, which is expected to be available for use by the target groups in September 2023.