From Tuesday to Thursday, September 24 to 26, 2024, a three-day educational seminar (Learning Teaching Training Activity – LTTA) was held in Lisbon – Portugal, as part of the WORKABILITY project, supported by six partners (AFEJI, ASSOC, EASI, HANDS IN HAND, XENIOS POLIS, APROXIMAR) from five countries (France, Romania, Greece, Hungary, and Portugal).
During the three-day meeting, the host partner, APROXIMAR, organized an in-depth discussion on an interactive job platform which hosts the assessment tool of the soft skills. Specifically, the training session aimed to promote the professional inclusion of people with disabilities by matching their talents with employers’ needs, considering the perspectives of job counselors, and enhancing employers’ capacities to implement more inclusive practices.
External participants, mainly from the fields of social work and education, actively engaged in the activities and provided valuable feedback on the project after attending the presentations of the educational modules and activites by the partners. The suggestions and feedback from the volunteers are valuable contributions to the sustainability of the project.
On the 27th of September, the final TPM (Transnational Project Meeting) of the project was also conducted in Lisbon, in which all partners discussed the project’s completion in the end of October 2024.