XENIOS POLIS participated in the 1st Transnational Project Meeting of the project “Transform-Transformative Education for Social Inclusion and Integration”- which was hosted by TUCEP- Tiber Umbria Comett Education Program, on May 08-09, 2024 in Perugia, Italy. 6 countries (Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Poland), from 6 organizations: XENIOS POLIS, TUCEP, Meath Partnership, IP Santarem, Con Valores, and IDEA, set the context of the project’s development in all fields, organized the overall steps of the project’s research, and set the timeline for the next activities, among all the execution of the project’s Work Packages.
The TPM mainly focused on the second Work Package – “A competencies’ framework for the vocational integration of migrants and refugees”-, about which partners discussed the progress of the desk and field research. More specifically, the desk research includes best practices and Open Educational Resources on specific competency areas while the field research consists of the focus groups’ outcomes that all partners should implement.