The motivation to develop the project TAST’AGE emerged from the following challenges faced by the ageing population: A study from 2013, “Nutritional risk of European Elderly” carried on a sample of European citizens aged over 65, showed that 53% of elderly people were at nutritional risks. Age induces physiological changes that make the older adult more vulnerable to the risk of malnutrition and dehydration through changes in food intake and metabolic changes impacting on the conviviality and pleasure of eating: oral and dental problems, reduced sense of taste and smell, appetite dysregulation (accentuated by the intake of medication), digestive disruption, poorer metabolic performance, which increases energy requirements with age, etc.
Furthermore several studies exploring nutritional care practices report a significant gap between recommended nutritional care and actual professional practices. Reported barriers to implementing diagnosis include a lack of organisational culture recognising its importance, lack of staff education and training, uncertainty about roles and responsibilities and staff perceptions that clinical judgement is more pertinent than the use of tools .
TAST’AGE’s main goal is to provide vocational education and training on the challenge of preventing and fighting malnutrition in older people.
More specific the objectives are :
TAST’AGE includes 7 partners (EURASANTE, AFEJI HAUTS-DEFRANCE, APROXIMARCOOPERATIVA DE SOLIDARIEDADE SOCIAL CRL, Asociatia Profesionala Neguvernamentala de Asistenta Sociala ASSOC, ASOCIATIA EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR SOCIAL INOVATION, XENIOS POLIS. Culture, Science and Action, CENTRO SUPERIOR DE FORMACION EUROPA SUR) from 5 different countries (France, Portugal, Romania, Greece, Spain).
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