The training (LTTA) of the European project Tast’age Transnational Approach to professional Skills development and vocational Training on better nutrition and prevention of malnutrition in the AGEing population was successfully concluded on Thursday 21 September 2023 in Lisbon. The representatives of the stakeholders (Eurasante, Afeji Hauts-Defrance, Aproximarcooperativa De Solidariedade Social Crl, Asociatia Profesionala Neguvernamentala De Asistenta Sociala Assoc, Asociatia European Association for Social Inovation, Xenios Polis. Culture, Science and Action, Centro Superior De Formacion Europa Sur) after completing the evaluation of the progress of the project so far, proceeded to design the agenda regarding the pilot training. In particular, they selected the time horizon, target groups and teaching modules that each of the partners will present as part of the training process. Finally, they previewed the project’s platform, which is expected to be ready for the general public soon, and examined the issue of translations, so that the project’s content will be available in 5 languages (French, Portuguese, Romanian, Greek and Spanish).