The third TPM of the European project Tast’age “Transnational Approach to professional Skills development and vocational Training on better nutrition and prevention of malnutrition in the AGEing population” took place Lisbon. 7 organisations (Eurasante, Afeji Hauts-Defrance, Aproximarcooperativa De Solidariedade Social Crl, Asociatia Profesionala Neguvernamentala De Asistenta Sociala Assoc, Asociatia European Association For Social Inovation, Xenios Polis. Culture, Science and Action, Centro Superior De Formacion Europa Sur) from 5 different countries (FR, PT, RO, GR, SP).
The representatives of the stakeholders, after presenting and evaluating the modules, proceeded to pilot and evaluate the activities of each module. In the coming days, they are expected to join the planning of the next steps for the completion of the project.