From Tuesday to Thursday, September 26th to 28th 2023, a 3-day event (Learning Teaching Training Activity- LTTA) took place in Budapest-Hungary for the WORKABILITY project, supported by the 6 partners (AFEJI- ASSOC- EASI- XENIOS POLIS- Hands in Hand- APROXIMAR) from 5 countries (France- Romania- Greece- Hungary and Portugal). For the 3 day event the hosting partner Hand in Hands organized a depth discussion on the modules as well as a well-organized training session.
More specifically, during these days an educational course took place, aiming at training the partners as well as external partners on the modules that a representative participant by each organization presented in parallel with relative activities. The external participants, with background, mainly on social work, gave helpful feedback about the project after they attended the presentations of the modules of the partners. The suggestions and feedback from the volunteers are important additions to the sustainability of the project.