Xenios Polis, the Representation of the European Commission to Greece and Cardet
organized the interactive workshop “Migration and Refugees: e-teaching scenarios with the use of digital games“. This workshop constructs its theoretical background on the basis of the increasing interest for using digital games in teaching processes.
During the last years digital games have been considered not only as a means of entertainment but also as an alternative learning method. It is widely acceptable that students nowadays are growing up in a new digital world and are challenged by the learning procedure which on the one, is based on their interests and triggers their motivation and on the other, is highly different from the traditional and conventional ways of teaching. In this context, various e-teaching scenarios concerning primary and secondary education will be presented in the workshop approaching the refugees and migration issues through the use of digital games under a social aspect.
Participants will be given the chance to be engaged in a dialogue, both expressing their views and exchanging ideas on this topic and creating their own e-scenarios. They will receive a certification of attendance as well as complete workshop material including relevant literature, selected academic articles, teaching scenarios, educational stuff and a series of free digital games for educational purposes.
The seminar was attended by 33 members of the educational community (primary and secondary education).