First level: information and education of adult refugees and immigrants residing in urban or hospitality centers (state or non-governmental).
Second level: smooth integration of the children of refugees and migrants who stay in hospitality centers (anew) in the educational process through a series of experiential practices.
Third level: Third level communication and teaching through the provision of educational seminars to Greek educators and civil servants involved.
The program is addressed to adult groups:
As a result of this tripartite objective, trainees are expected to acquire the necessary skills, as well as the practical, social and political skills required by the modern multicultural environment. The courses cover the following subjects:
The courses cover the following subjects:
The whole process is based on principles and practices of: (a) adult education; and (b) intercultural mediation and teaching. In this context, trainees are involved in digital lessons and experiential workshops that address real social and individual needs.
In the expansion of the project, the program will be implemented through distance (digital) training of the learner using video lessons (partially dramatized), digital games, interactivity.
Part of this pilot program is implemented with the help of the “Desmos” in the guest house “Mosaico House” of the German NGO Help where women refugees and their children are housed (with funding by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs).