The FENCE aims at gender bias practical mitigation through equality awareness and gender competence; the project’s context is in alliance with European Commission’s Gender Equality Policy, the ‘Strategy for Equality between women and men’, the EU Gender Policy and the Gender Equality in Horizon 2020.
FENCE’s roots have to do with gender stereotyping which limits the development of the natural talents and abilities of women and men, as well as their educational and professional experiences and life opportunities in general.
Stereotypes and biases about gender can cause unequal and unfair treatment and cause personal or social perception reflections concerning for example personality traits, domestic behaviors, occupation and physical appearance; with all the discrimination and inequality they can cause against women, this reality demands continuous and coordinated actions and training tools as a process to make different key-actors ‘gender empowered’ and ‘gender-sensitive’.
The project includes 7 partners (CAD-COMMUNITY ACTION DACORUM, DOCUMENTA, PROGRAMMA INTEGRA, XENIOS POLIS, CSI, INOVA, GRIPEN) from 6 countries (UK, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Romania); it addresses empowerment and capacity building actions for individuals primarily as public staff in local authorities and public bodies, social affairs services, and NGOs members, leaders, representatives working in the field of gender equality or human rights promotion;
FENCE’s objectives are:
to make specific key – actors (including both men and women) empowered on fighting/combating gender bias and promoting gender equality
to create and deliver innovative products and training tools – as tailored needs learning resources – based on differentiation methodologies and adult education approaches
to empower them by taking advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT and digitizing the quality of learning content
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