The first face to face meeting, the Kickoff Meeting of the project CforC– “Careers for Carers” took place on Thursday and Friday, from the 12th to 13th of October 2023, in Sandefjord, Norway, hosted by the partner Fønix AS. 6 institutions from 5 countries, EURASANTE (France), XENIOS POLIS (Greece), Challedu (Greece), FONIX AS (Norway), Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium), AMBITIO (Croatia), discussed the work packages (WPs) of the project, WP1- Project Management, WP2- Escape Game, WP3- Training, WP4- Career counsellling and best practice booklet and the WP5- Impact and dissemination. Last but not least, the partners agreed on the dates of the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM), in April 2024, hosted by XENIOS POLIS.