The project TRANSFORM – Transformative Education for Social Inclusion and Integration (project number: 2023-1-IE01-KA220-VET-000159740) aims to address the priority of diversity and integration in education in order to support European
The project TRANSFORM – Transformative Education for Social Inclusion and Integration (project number: 2023-1-IE01-KA220-VET-000159740) aims to address the priority of diversity and integration in education in order to support European
While universities have the potential to play a significant role in advancing gender equality, diversity, and inclusivity, both within higher education and throughout society, they still frequently exhibit gender biases
The inspiration for creating CforC arose from the difficulties faced by the healthy aging (HA) and elderly care sector. As of 2022, Eurostat reported that over one-fifth (21.1%) of the
The GREENO2 project seeks to encourage green roofs as sustainable hubs for research, community involvement, and environmental awareness within urban universities. This initiative aligns with the European Green Deal’s recognition
WAKE UP is a project aimed at addressing a recent phenomenon that is becoming more and more popular, the Metaverse. According to experts, the Metaverse isn’t a specific platform or
The motivation to develop the project TAST’AGE emerged from the following challenges faced by the ageing population: A study from 2013, “Nutritional risk of European Elderly” carried on a sample
FATOS2U derives under the prism of the exposure of young citizens to large-scale disinformation, including misleading or outright false information. FATOS2U aims at enabling young people with critical thinking enhancement
UNIHEAL+ includes 7 partners (Center for Social Innovation, Fundación Ayesa, GRIPEN Europe, HOMO EMINENS, Innovation Training Center, PROLEPSIS, XENIOS POLIS) from 5 countries (Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Spain). It aspires
WorkAbility project highlights the importance of developing soft skills for people with disabilities. Soft skills are considered essential for their professional success, aiming to improve their general skills and enhance
BUPA Be upskilling addictive! project aims to find new, innovative tools and approaches to include coding (low code included) and game design concepts in school education by upskilling students and