XENIOS POLIS in KoM of GREENO2-Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation, ENvironmental consciousness and O2 generation (HED), Athens/ Greece, 30-31/10/2023. 8 institutions, 6 countries.

XENIOS POLIS in KoM of GREENO2-Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation, ENvironmental consciousness and O2 generation (HED), Athens/ Greece, 30-31/10/2023. 8 institutions, 6 countries.
The first face to face meeting, the Kickoff Meeting of the project CforC– “Careers for Carers” took place on Thursday and Friday, from the 12th to 13th of October 2023,
While universities have the potential to play a significant role in advancing gender equality, diversity, and inclusivity, both within higher education and throughout society, they still frequently exhibit gender biases
From Tuesday to Thursday, September 26th to 28th 2023, a 3-day event (Learning Teaching Training Activity- LTTA) took place in Budapest-Hungary for the WORKABILITY project, supported by the 6 partners
On the 29th of September 2023, the 3rd TP Meeting for “Workability Project” was held in Budapest, Hungary, supported by the 6 partners (AFEJI- ASSOC- EASI- XENIOS POLIS- Hands in Hand-
The training (LTTA) of the European project Tast’age Transnational Approach to professional Skills development and vocational Training on better nutrition and prevention of malnutrition in the AGEing population was successfully
The third TPM of the European project Tast’age “Transnational Approach to professional Skills development and vocational Training on better nutrition and prevention of malnutrition in the AGEing population” took place
The inspiration for creating CforC arose from the difficulties faced by the healthy aging (HA) and elderly care sector. As of 2022, Eurostat reported that over one-fifth (21.1%) of the
The GREENO2 project seeks to encourage green roofs as sustainable hubs for research, community involvement, and environmental awareness within urban universities. This initiative aligns with the European Green Deal’s recognition
1st Press Release, July 2023 About the project WAKE UP: Raising Youth Awareness on the Metaverse, is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that started in December 2022 and has a duration